1. (a) (aile, ırk, âdet, töre, fikir vb.) yavaş yavaş ortadan kalkmak, silinmek, unutulmak, terkedilmek. DEVAMINI OKU

    The practice of educating the eldest son to be a priest is dying out. (b)
    zool. tükenmek, yok olmak. GİZLE
(yavaş yavaş) zayıflamak/azalmak/hafiflemek/dinmek/sönmek/yatışmak, sükûnet bulmak, (yavaş yavaş) azalıp DEVAMINI OKU
. The storm slowly died down. The music died away. The fire is dying down, please get me more coal. It took a long time for the excitement to die down. GİZLE
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